Latest Episodes

Mental health support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families
In this episode, you’ll meet two new members of the Emerging Minds Partnerships and Implementation team: Lou Turner and Nancy Jeffrey. Lou and Nancy...

Engaging children: Naming and framing the problem
When talking with children in a therapeutic setting, how do you lessen their likelihood of feeling shame or blame for the problems they’re dealing...

Equine therapy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
In this podcast, you’ll hear from Juli Coffin about the Yawardani Jan-ga (‘horses helping’) program in Broome. Juli discusses how the program connects the...

The team around the child: A mum's story of her son's neurodiversity
Bec Edser is a Child and Family Partnerships Coordinator at Emerging Minds. She is also the mother of a six-year-old son with neurodiversity. Bec...

Engaging children: Exploring children's strengths and interests
Research shows children like adults to be interested in what they’re into, what they need, and how they respond when things are happening around...

Engaging children: Opening the door to the problem
Taking care to describe things in ways that make sense to the child and inviting them to share their understanding of why you’re meeting...