Parent voices: Supporting children with disability - part one

Episode 84 June 12, 2021 00:16:59
Parent voices: Supporting children with disability - part one
Emerging Minds Podcast
Parent voices: Supporting children with disability - part one

Jun 12 2021 | 00:16:59


Show Notes

Children are shaped and influenced by a range of individual, social and environmental factors, all of which go into making the ‘whole child’. Children living with disability experience the same range of emotions as every other child; and their mental health and wellbeing are influenced by the same factors as other children’s.    Parents and professionals might see a child’s social and emotional wellbeing, communication, and behaviour as just an outcome of their disability. But children living with disability can experience positive mental health too. It is important to support children living with disability to express their hopes, preferences, and concerns, just like all children.  We would like to acknowledge and thank our child and family partners, Chris, Lisa and Jacqui for taking the time to share their wisdom and expertise with us.     In this episode you will learn:       Further information and resources:    Parent voices: Supporting children with disability - part two Understanding child mental health and disability (e-learning course)    
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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:02 Welcome to the emerging minds podcast. Speaker 1 00:00:08 Welcome everyone. My name is Jackie Lee from emerging minds. In this two-part episode, you will hear from Jackie, Chris and Lisa, whose children live with disability. We'd like to acknowledge their expertise as parents and thank them for taking the time to share their wisdom with us today, it is difficult to accurately estimate how common childhood disabilities are while the statistics do vary. It is believed around 7% of Australian children under 14 are living with a disability. Children with disability experienced the same range of emotions as every other child and their mental health and wellbeing are influenced by the same factors as other children's to begin, we will hear from parents, Jackie, Chris, and Lisa, talking about their children as whole children whose needs hopes and strengths. Just like any other child's. Speaker 2 00:01:00 Well, I think just because Speaker 3 00:01:02 I'm looking at someone with a disability, you look at their disability rather than who they are. And really my son is quite severely disabled, so his body doesn't work, but his brain is perfectly fine. And he'll have you wrapped around his little finger in no time, Talia. Speaker 4 00:01:20 He's a typical 10 year old child. Aren't you? What do you like? Do you like fought and Pooja bikes you're doing? And do you like, do you have a collection of farm books? Yes. And he liked music. He liked singing. You like it when people dance, you like swimming, you like horses, you like dogs. Here's your favor. He sent me your favor, your puppy dog. Yeah. Having music choices and choices still age appropriate. So she, her music is like, what's on the radio at the moment, the top Speaker 2 00:02:13 10 hits. She loves dancing Speaker 5 00:02:16 Music, anything that involves any movement. So that might be jumping swinging. That makes her really happy. She loves being outside and in nature, um, loves art and expressing herself through art. Um, particularly just exploring different mediums. So, you know, if it's clay or paint or just getting really messy, she really enjoys that. He just achieves Speaker 3 00:02:42 A little goal. Or if he stands for a couple of seconds, you know, that's really important. And that's like a goal that he's achieved and it makes everyone feel happy or, yeah, he's just a joy to have around. And he finds the good in everything and whatever activity we do, as long as we can modify it. So that he's included. He's just such. Yeah. So happy dogs Speaker 4 00:03:05 To be kept busy. She likes and what else? I kept peasy tea and included. He can be with helping me do my house work. You know, it doesn't have to be kiddo appropriate things. She just likes to be there with other people and likes people just talk to her for my Speaker 5 00:03:23 Daughter in particular, one of her biggest strengths is her resilience and her persistence. She'll be in really, really challenging situations. And, uh, her persistence is so much stronger than people give her credit for now. It's quite difficult for her to manage what on your typical child would manage, but she'll keep persisting to fit that sort of environment. Nothing. That's really admirable. My Speaker 4 00:03:48 Cousins play Chasey with her by, you know, pushing her wheelchair around and chasing the other kids the faster you go, the more she smiles, you know? So she's like a normal job loves, loves going fast, loves being a bit of a rabbi. Well, I think Speaker 3 00:04:05 Because he's, um, vision impaired, um, although looking at him, you wouldn't think it, he just knows where everything is. And I think that's just so amazing that he can just find his toys when he drops them, even though he can't see them and just, yeah, just his enjoyment of life when he has so much going on. It's just so amazing. I Speaker 4 00:04:26 Want to say her determination. I think because the barriers are there for her communication, she has to be very focused and determined to get anything across. Um, it's much harder for her. So to watch her pushed three, to get that message across he's, um, I admire, wow. He loves his iPod Speaker 3 00:04:53 And he loves music. He would not be anywhere without his iPod and music and just, he likes to be interacting and he loves little kids. So if they come up and squeezes cheeks, he's happy. So Speaker 4 00:05:10 A few years ago, Tali his little friend, she does ballet and we went to watch her at a ballet concert, was sitting in the audience. I was sitting there with, um, tally's sister and Tali his dad. And, um, my friend came out from backstage and said, all the Lenny wanted to see, um, Tali backstage. And I was like I said, oh, okay, no worries. And tally's dad said, oh, he'll go with it. And I was sitting there and the concert started and I'm thinking, huh, she better get back here because Lenny will be up on stage in a minute. And then all of a sudden the stage went dark. And then you could just see the kids coming out on the stage. And there's a little wheelchair that came out as, and I was thinking all, maybe they just coming across the stage and they're just gonna hop down because the stage wasn't very high and all the chairs went back up, but then now it stopped in the middle of the stage. And when the lights came on, Talia was in a little Tutu in the stage she had, the chair was all covered in roses. Her dad was there, dressed in black and he was helping her dance, the same dance as the other kids. Um, they'd been, sorry, that'd been organizing it for weeks and she'd been going to Clem rehearsals. I'm known to me, her dad kept saying he was taking her to the shops to get a few things, but they were going to rehearsals going to the shops and then coming home. So that was amazing. Speaker 1 00:06:47 Like all children, the mental health of children living with disability is not fixed. It occurs along a continuum based on their inner experiences, their temperament and their social relationships and supports well, mental health is not a fixed state children living with disability and nonetheless at increased risk overall of developing mental health concerns. Next, we will hear again from Lisa, Jackie, and Chris, as they discussed that children's social and emotional wellbeing. She's quite an animated Speaker 5 00:07:17 Person. So when she's happy, you know, she's happy like any other child, she expresses her happiness through, you know, through laughing and smiling and just pure enjoyment. Sometimes giggling can also be nervousness and anxiety. So I know the difference as her parent, but someone else might say she's really enjoying this new life. That sounds to me more like a nervous giggle is I'm not sure what's happening here and I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to feel. So a little bit of it is getting to know the person and the individual, if Speaker 3 00:07:50 There's any negative energy within a room, he will get upset. And he'll make that very, you know, that everyone knows that he's not happy about the situation. So that's his way of communicating. If he's not happy with Speaker 2 00:08:02 Someone for Speaker 5 00:08:04 My daughter for a long time, she couldn't express her feelings and emotions. So that was always really challenging. And sometimes I don't think she could even really understand or acknowledge her emotions. So as she's growing older and we've given her a lot more strategies just to even name what your feelings. So we'll use a strategy where we'll say you don't really happy. You look like you're really enjoying this. So we're giving her a name for the feeling that she's having. And not just when she's feeling upset or saying, you look really cross. I wonder what's making you cross, but naming all of those emotions, you know, that's a surprise what a surprise, you know, someone's here that you weren't expecting. So naming all of those little emotions, and I think that's really helped her and just acknowledging well, because you don't always have to feel happy. Speaker 5 00:08:57 And I think that's a trap for people with disability that any big behavior or any challenging behaviors can be seen as being something about their disability. When really we all have a whole gamut of emotions. We all have days where we feel a bit grumpy or a bit upset and it's nothing to do with the disability. It's just, you know, the range of emotions. So I think for her helping her name and, and recognize them and acknowledging them, not just trying to solve them, but acknowledging them, you feel cross today. I can see that you're really grumpy. I wonder what that's about, um, has helped her a lot, kids trapped Speaker 3 00:09:36 Inside their bodies with a regular brain that like the normal stuff, maybe an eight year old would like can get really frustrated. It's almost, when you look back at a baby and you see that they're trying to crawl, but they can't. And they really angry. So it's the same within disability as well. They get very frustrated and angry when they can't do something that they really want to do. Speaker 4 00:10:01 She's usually pretty happy when she gets her own way. Like, you know, like a normal 10 year old, like every 10 year old, when she's happy, you get she's quite relaxed. She will smile lots. She'll probably do a little vocal, like her little chitter chatter, um, when she's active, when she's kept busy, um, she just, she doesn't like sitting around doing nothing. I don't blame her. I'm not a big fan of sitting around doing nothing either. They get very Speaker 3 00:10:31 Upset and he does do some self-harming too in his way to communicate that he's not happy. So being in mind that if he's having a really self-harming day we'll, then, you know, he might have pain somewhere or just be not happy that day or woken up on the wrong side of the bed. Like most other Speaker 2 00:10:49 Kids do, you'd have to learn Speaker 4 00:10:52 Her cues off discomfort or, you know, something she doesn't lock. But generally it is, you know, the tears, the bottom lip, the planking going really stiff. They usually her little cues that say, you know, either please stop. Or I don't like this, Speaker 2 00:11:14 Her Speaker 5 00:11:15 Strategies, as I said before, uh, just allowing her to have some autonomy in what's happening. That's the main thing for her and giving choices. Sometimes we might limit what the choices are and sometimes the choices aren't things that can be, um, actions, you know, there might be something that we just really can't do, but to the best of our ability, if she expresses that she needs to do something, we'll try to make that happen. And, you know, initially if we were out in the community, her resilience of being out and about was quite limited, but we would always make sure that if she expressed she'd had enough and she needed to go, we would make sure that happened rather than push through to a point where she would then disregulate and be really unhappy with her own responses because that was distressing for her. And then I guess over time, we've worked that she can tolerate more and more because she knows when I've had enough, someone will be there for me and will either remove me from the situation or help me through a challenge. He would communicate Speaker 3 00:12:17 In ways that he would self-harm, he would cry. He would punch himself if he wasn't happy. So if he's doing his exercises and he really doesn't want to work out, he would just start biting himself to get out of doing it. So that's just a way that he communicates his feelings in a very blunt manner. My biggest challenge, Speaker 4 00:12:39 And would be the communication barrier. You constantly have to try to sort of problem-solve I suppose, to work out what, what the issues are. I tend to know her pretty well now, so I can get to the problem, the root of the problem pretty quickly. Um, but for people that don't know her, it's a little bit harder. Um, so I always feel that that is a barrier and like a huge challenge for her. But even when she's having bad days, as soon as she smiles, even when your flight, he can get frustrated, trying to work out what's going on, what the problems are. If as soon as she smile, hope everything's okay. It doesn't matter how bad your day is. She smiles and everything is better. One of the things I've Speaker 5 00:13:27 Learnt from her is to partner in small enjoyments. And that sounds a bit strange, but to meet her in those little moments, whether it's just being in nature and, you know, marveling at really tiny little things in nature, I can't even express it, but just meeting her in those moments is something that you probably don't think about for someone who's neuro-typical because they do share their experiences with you, where from her we've really had to get at her level to, um, to partner with her in her engagement with the world, really, because she never really offered that shared engagement. He's very Speaker 3 00:14:09 In tuned with people's body language. So there's definitely people he doesn't like, and he'll let me know that he doesn't like them, but obviously if he knows that someone's generally interested in him and generally being nice to him, he actually really responds really well to them. Because obviously if you are enjoying something and you're thinking that someone's being nice to you, you actually feel good about yourself. So to Sam, he's actually feeling enjoyment within any situation, whether it be in a hospital situation or anything, sometimes Speaker 5 00:14:40 You're not even aware of what's eroding that resilience because it might be quite subtle. And because she doesn't always verbalize, there might be worries or concerns that she's not able to. So it can be a little bit of a guessing game, but also, um, she's very empathetic to people around her. So if I can use COVID-19 as a perfect example, there is social anxiety at the moment that she may not understand the message behind it, or even the main concerns, but I can see how it impacts her anxiety because she's feeding off of the, you know, the feeling that's around her, that feeling state. So we're always really mindful, even things that at times are enjoyable for other people. And I'll use Christmas buildup as a perfect example. People are rushing around and they're excited. There's holidays. There's, you know, shopping centers are busy and it's noisier things like that can really impact her and erode her resilience. So we're quite mindful of not putting her in intimidate environments like that where other people would think this is a fun time to be out and about. There are times that are really challenging for her. So we're aware of those things that challenge her, I guess. And sometimes they're not always obvious Speaker 1 00:15:55 In this podcast, we have heard parents talk about their children, living with disability as whole children, as well as their children's social and emotional wellbeing stay tuned for part two, where Lisa, Jackie, and Chris will discuss ways professionals can support the social and emotional wellbeing of their children. We would like to thank the parents who have so generously shared their time and experiences with us today. You can learn more about supporting the mental health and wellbeing of children with disability in imaging, minds, Elan, and course understanding child mental health and disability. Thank you for joining us. Speaker 0 00:16:30 Visit our [email protected]. Do they allow you to access a range of resources to assist your practice brought to you by the national workforce center for child mental health led by emerging minds, the national workforce center for child mental health is funded by the Australian government department of health, under the national support for child and youth mental health program.

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