Latest Episodes

The mental health of refugee children in Australia
How are children from refugee backgrounds faring in terms of their social and emotional wellbeing? Tune into this conversation with Dr Sonia Terhaag to...

A polyvagal approach to working with trauma
What can the body's signals tell us about how to respond to trauma? In this conversation with psychologist, Chris Cussen, we draw on polyvagal...

Re-release - The ongoing psychosocial needs of children following a community trauma
This is a re-released episode from our Community Trauma Toolkit podcast series. In this episode we talk to Michelle Roberts, a psychologist and expert...

Re-release - Communities in the immediate aftermath of a trauma
This is a re-released episode from our Community Trauma Toolkit podcast series. In this episode, we talk to Kate Brady, a Churchill Fellow and...

Re-release - Disaster preparedness, myths and programs that hold promise
This is a re-released episode from our Community Trauma Toolkit podcast series. In this episode we talk to Dr. Briony Towers, a research fellow...

Therapeutic residential care: The example of Jo's
How do you create a family environment for young people in residential out-of-home care? Service Manager, Paula May, talks us through her experience of...