Latest Episodes

Working with children with high sensitivity
In this episode, Rachel describes how she has developed schema therapy and understandings of attachment to help parents and children in her practice, particularly...

Supporting the communication needs of children with complex trauma - part two
This is part 2 of our conversation about using speech pathology to support children who’ve experienced complex trauma. Speech pathologist, Kate Headley, continues to...

Supporting the communication needs of children with complex trauma - part one
This is the first part of a conversation exploring the role of speech pathology in supporting children who’ve experienced complex trauma. Speech pathologist, Kate...

Identifying developmental concerns in school-aged children
Identifying developmental concerns in children can be challenging for practitioners, especially after the early years. Work by speech pathologist, Susan Pagel has led to...

An interview with Shame
Throughout this interview, we investigate the many roles Shame can play in a child’s life. We look at how they can help children develop...

An interview with Resilience
In this interview with Resilience, we investigate how they can ‘turn setbacks into comebacks’ in the lives of children, and how adults can support...